Born in Cleveland, Ohio
Currently residing in Columbus, Ohio
Artist Statement
“i don’t know what i’m doing” - terrifying or maybe freeing words. also the words i use most often.
when asked what medium i work with, i say all of them…or at least i hope to someday.
being self-taught means i’m only restrained by a few laws of science, government and my own imagination. science tells me what can’t happen, government tells me what shouldn’t happen and imagination is only controlled by my own whims.
pieces based on music, movies, news, books and happy places usually pour out and are easy to share
pieces that come from somewhere deep inside are harder to share but i feel the most important (and oddly the most colorful) - i don’t want anyone to feel as bad, sad, alone or scared as i do when making them and by sharing i hope to connect with someone who needs them