
In The Works

Welcome, welcome...please come in. Don't mind the mess, everything is very casual here and like my life, this is a work in progress. This is where I hope to keep you updated on projects "in the works".

Things that matter to me

Working on a piece that I hope will have the viewer thinking how women's health issues are treated different than men's. 



After it was discovered that my Mom had breast cancer - she's fine, thanks - she was given a big pink bag with all the information she needed to have. As I carried the bag out to get my car and bring it around to pick her up, I thought how awful that she was just branded as having breast cancer, everyone knew because of the bag.  I then started looking around at the men walking out of the hospital and wondered where their big blue bag, or better yet a big blue bow was showing they had prostate or testicular cancer. I really got fired up after I had my own scare and I knew I had to make something to get people thinking. 

Still a ways to go on this piece and much more to write. Until it's finished remember to squeeze those boobies and balls. 😜 

Kelly Dawson