
In The Works

Welcome, welcome...please come in. Don't mind the mess, everything is very casual here and like my life, this is a work in progress. This is where I hope to keep you updated on projects "in the works".

Taking steps

Ever since I was first sucked into the show Orange is the New Black on Netflix, I was drawn to the line "taking steps is easy, standing still is hard" from the opening theme song. That line can mean so much and be taken in so many different ways or directions. This is how I saw it in my head. 



At first I thought it was just about someone in prison and then I realized it could be someone trapped in their own prison, mentally or physically.  Standing still can sometimes be the hardest thing in the world to do. I see this a lot when I'm teaching yoga, savasana or final relaxation is the most difficult pose to teach. Having to just surrender and release their mind and body, even for five minutes, is very hard from some. Usually the people that need it the most have the hardest time sinking into it. 

Kelly Dawson